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- Jeanette Torman
- Petersburg Tennesee
- In answer to MOJICA 10458-0054 on
- source of supply for pens for the
- 1520 Printer/Plotter. Radio Shack
- has almost the same plotter as
- Commodore, the pens and also the
- paper are interchangeable. Catalog
- No. 26-1481a for a pack of red, blue
- and green pens, Catalog No. 26-1480
- for a pack of 3 black pens each pack
- is $2.95. I have also found they
- carry interchangeable ribbon cartrige
- for the MPS 801, Catalogue No.
- 26-1283 price $7.95.
- I have found that if I am not going
- to use my plotter for a few days, I
- take the pens out and cap them. The
- ink is a water based and is prone to
- dry up quite quickly.
- --------------------------------------
- R.W. Kober
- Buffalo, Texas
- Let me pass on some information
- concerning FASTLOAD. One of its
- short-comings is that it will only
- work on drive 8. Well, it can be made
- to access drive 9 by simply
- entering......
- POKE 186,9
- Location 186 ($BA) is the place in
- ZERO page that the 64 uses to store
- the number of the device currently
- being used. Therefore, if you put the
- number 9 here by POKing it in,
- FASTLOAD assumes that the device
- currently being used is number 9, and
- addresses that drive. POKing 186,8
- will return the computer to normal.
- Of course, it will default to drive 8
- should anything cause the computer to
- be reset.
- ------------<end of article>---------